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Astrology (13) - Inspiration - All designs

1.  archer
the character is part of the constellation Sagittarius: an arrow from left to right above the arrow into another transverse cross is.

2.  ram
the ram of the zodiac sign. The sign symbolizes the horns of a ram. A vertical center line of which two arms left and right.

3.  bull
bull sign of the zodiac. It looks like a stylized stierenkop with horns on either side next to / on the head.

4.  lion
lion sign astrology. An open circle at the bottom of the center of the leaf, then top with a decorative swirl upwards and again goes down. Is that the lion's tail?

5.  Twins
Constellation of twins, it seems the Roman numeral for 2.

6.  Virgin
the Virgin sign in astrology. Appear calligraphy letters. M and P to each other.

7.  scorpion
scorpion character from the zodiac. It seems a calligraphy, the last leg extended with a decorative light arrow down and up again.

8.  scales
scales sign astrology

9.  ibex
ibex sign astrology

10.  fish
fish symbol from astrology. It looks like the letter H, where both legs which are concave outwards, both as parts of a circle.

11.  lobster
lobster character from the zodiac. It seems the number 69, which obliquely written, and the 9 higher, so that the legs 6 and the 9 near contact with the rounds of 9 and 6.

12.  Aquarius
Aquarius sign of the zodiac. They are 2 lines that run parallel over each other. She left to start a wave and then pointed lines.

13.  twins
twin sign of the zodiac

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